親子花藝體驗班 (3-12歲)
· 一起創造美麗的花藝作品
· 增進親子之間的情感連結
· 培養兒童美學與專注力
· 提高孩子的創意和想像力
· 學習如何選擇花材、插花技巧和花藝搭配
· 一起創造美麗的花藝作品
· 增進親子之間的情感連結
· 培養兒童美學與專注力
· 提高孩子的創意和想像力
· 學習如何選擇花材、插花技巧和花藝搭配
Parent-child floral art experience class is a fun activity that allows parents and children to participate together, where you can:
- Create beautiful floral art pieces together
- Strengthen the emotional connection between parent and child
- Cultivate children's aesthetic and focus
- Enhance children's creativity and imagination
- Learn how to choose floral materials, floral arrangement techniques, and pairing
Whether you are interested in floral art or looking for an activity to spend time with your child, this experience class is an excellent choice.
In the class, you and your child will have the opportunity to create your own floral art pieces and take them home to display or give as gifts. This process not only enhances your and your child's creativity and imagination, but also cultivates your appreciation and sensitivity to beauty.
In addition, the parent-child floral art experience class is also a great way to promote parent-child relationships. In the class, you and your child can help and encourage each other, complete the creation together, and enhance understanding and trust between each other. At the same time, this activity allows you and your child to experience the joy of learning and sense of accomplishment together, and establish a deeper emotional connection between you and your child.
Finally, our parent-child floral art experience class is also suitable for special occasions such as parent-child activities, birthday parties, family gatherings, etc. We provide flexible class times and venue options to meet your needs.
In summary, the parent-child floral art experience class is a fun and meaningful activity that allows you and your child to learn floral art knowledge and skills together, and also strengthens the emotional connection between parent and child. If you are interested, why not come and experience it? We believe that you and your child will definitely have a happy and meaningful time.