Fresh fruit & flower basket
Fresh fruit & flower basket
🌸🍎 【鵲橋相會 花果雙層】🌕✨
A rendezvous of blossoms and fruits in a two-tiered delight!
🍇送上我哋特製嘅兩層花果籃,上層係新鮮既水果,下層就係粉紅色系嘅鮮花,十分精緻!💖 Presenting our specially crafted double-layered flower and fruit basket, with luscious fruits on the top tier and exquisite pink roses on the bottom.
豐盛嘅水果同細緻嘅玫瑰完美結合,將你嘅心意同花香一齊傳送🌹✨願呢份特別嘅禮物可以喺中秋節帶來溫暖同歡樂 🎉 The perfect fusion of abundant fruits and delicate roses, delivering your heartfelt wishes along with the fragrance of flowers. Let this special gift bring warmth and joy during the Mid-Autumn Festival!
快D同親朋好友分享祝福,創造難忘時刻🌕 🌾 即刻預訂,傳遞歡樂啦🌸 Share blessings, create unforgettable moments. Get it now & spread joy!